
Sunday, 12 September 2010

Food Supplements and Combinations that Make Sense

If I had to pick one, if you put a gun to my head and I had to pick one supplement that would have the broadest-based shotgun approach to health that does the most things for the most people and that most people are lacking in it would have to be fish oil.

Even a multiple vitamin, a lot of people on this call are eating really great. They're eating a lot of raw foods. They're getting enzymes and they're eating yogurt or other naturally fermented foods and they're getting some probiotics. Let's assume they're getting a ton of vitamins from their vegetables and fruits, although most people are lacking in some of them, but if you could only take one the omega threes just have the widest range of health benefits and are most needed by most people. So that would be my number one with a bullet.

There are others down the list. Certainly, multivitamins, magnesium. Probiotics are a good one. Digestive enzymes. There are a lot of different things and then of course, you get into the different health conditions and the different things and different challenges that different people have. If there are some heart issues or anything to do with -- if anybody's on a staten medication to lower cholesterol and that's a whole other discussion, but if you are on one of there's not even a doubt, you should be on co- enzyme Q10 supplementation. Absolutely 100% and if your doctor tells you otherwise change doctors. Staten drugs seriously deplete co-enzyme Q10. It's a vital nutrient for the heart. If you're on a Staten medication co-enzyme Q10 is at the top of the list.

For energy depletion there's all sorts of different things. If people have blood sugar issues and I talk about all of this in The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth. Different natural prescriptions for supporting your health with different kinds of conditions and not necessarily curing a condition, but supporting your health and maybe being able to reduce medication or maybe being able to put something into remission or reduce the number of outbreaks of asthma attacks or acne or any of these different things. That can be helped by different dietary supplement strategies, but again, go back to what is the one thing that people on a budget, one thing that they can take. That said, I would have to say fish oil.

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