
Monday, 31 October 2011

A Guide To Menopause Supplements

Would you be interested to know that there is a way to relieve your menopause symptoms without side effects? This article looks at the benefits of menopause supplements - the holistic way to ease symptoms.
Menopause and HRT
As women approach their 40s or 50s, many of them start to experience 'strange things': hot flashes, mood swings, irritability, joint pains, sleep disruption and many other health problems.
When they go to their doctors with these problems, they are told that: these are simply menopausal symptoms. They are not a disease.
Well, although it is true that menopause is not an illness and all women have to go through that; it doesn't mean you should suffer the symptoms in silence.
There is the option of taking Hormone Therapy. But many prefer not to go with the therapy because they don't want the harsh side effects, or don't think their symptoms are serious enough to go through medications.
No matter how significant or trivial your symptoms are, they can disturb your normal life with the mental and physical discomforts.
Natural and Effective Treatment
Just like you, many women are actively seeking holistic and natural treatment to their symptoms.You should be happy to know that there is a helping hand from mother's nature.
There are some herbs that have widely used to treat women's problems with a long history. Their effectiveness is clinically proven. Many menopause supplements now contain these herbs of interest, such as Dong quai, Wild yam, Red clover and Black cohosh.
These natural wonders work by targeting the root cause of menopause symptoms - imbalanced hormone levels. When women enter the stage of peri-menopause (the time leading up to the end of menstruation - menopause), their hormone levels go through a wild ride before settling to a constant low level.
By balancing the hormones, natural menopause supplements may greatly reduce or even eliminate your menopause symptoms.
Do you know that menopause supplements are reported to increase women's energy and libido, alleviate symptoms and improve overall wellbeing?
Lots of women seek help in menopause supplements - holistic and natural treatment, because they have the advantages of not requiring a prescription and having less potential side effects.
Which supplement suits you?
It is important to choose supplements that only use clinically proven ingredients. Also, the ingredients must be pure - free from contamination, additives or preservatives.
You may not believe this, but a study in 2009 detected Lead in one menopause supplement on the market. The last thing you want to do is to feed toxins to your body.
If you are having enough of the symptoms, give a try on menopause supplements - holistic and natural treatment may surprise you on how much they can help!

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